WhatsApp Messenger has made itself available across all the relevant platforms and there is now an updated version available for Symbian. The reason why this is noteworthy is because for some of you that use WhatsApp on Symbian, you may have noticed sporadic performance, or no performance at all the past few days.
Unfortunately, the old Symbian version of the app is not able to tell you that it is no longer working, and is not able to auto-update itself for one reason or another. This new version appears to be available for download directly from WhatsApp’s website. Upon looking in the Nokia Store, it does not look like the download there has been updated based on the file size, and that may be why the app itself is not finding an update.
So, if you have been experiencing quiet times with WhatsApp on your Symbian device, take your phone’s browser over to WhatsApp’s website and see if an update does the trick.
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