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Thursday, 25 October 2012

Info Post
Is Microsoft going to do more hardware after Surface? “Obviously,” says chief executive Steve BallmerMicrosoft’s chief executive Steve Ballmer admits that the Windows 8 launch and everything around it like the Microsoft Surface and Windows Phone 8 are one of 2 or 3 monumental moments for the company. It’s right next to the Windows 95 launch in terms of importance, that’s how big it is. 

But what’s even bigger for us caring about gadgets is Ballmer’s admission about Microsoft making its own devices.

Here is what Steve Ballmer told the BBC: "Is it fair to say we're going to do more hardware? Obviously we are... Where we see important opportunities to set a new standard, yeah we'll dive in."

The CEO didn’t specify which devices he refers to, but we think this gives even more credence to rumors about a Microsoft Surface phone being in the works. 

The first PC Microsoft made, the Surface received glaring reviews for its design for the most part, but was bashed for the software. Get Adobe Flash player
The Microsoft Surface is the first computer Microsoft made itself in its decades of history.
The Microsoft Surface is the first computer Microsoft made itself in its decades of history.


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